
5 Strategies On How To Use Bulk SMS In An Effective Manner

5 Strategies On How To Use Bulk SMS In An Effective Manner

By now you might have done a research and figured out that bulk SMS is an effective communication tool. By availing the services of best bulk SMS provider in Hyderabad you need to take advantage of it in your next marketing campaign. Now how to start? With abundance of information at your peril, you are bound to be confused. If you have no experiences of bulk SMS reseller in Hyderabad, a worry sign would be there stands no clear road map. No need to panic as a clear cut strategy is suggested on how to run an effective SMS marketing campaign.

Clear goal

Before you send out any SMS message you need to be aware of the end goal. What are the results you expect from the SMS campaign? Do you want more customers to your website? Are you looking for your customer to try out a new service?

If the goal is clear cut you will reach out to the right customer and a proper message will be delivered to them.

Content is to be creative

In comparison to writing emails, crafting messages is a bit tricky. There is a limit of 160 characters and you want the message to be attractive and catchy. Mobile phones tend to be a lot closer than email. Research points to the fact that nearly 44 % of mobile users keep their phones next to their bed when they sleep.

You need to ensure that the right message reaches out to the proper people. Segregate your customers. Take out the existing spread sheet of customer and then categorize your existing customer base. Some of the criteria for classifying them are location, age; gender and amount of money being spent. Based on this you would need to craft message for each domain.  The message has to be crisp, creative and to the point. A sense of urgency and a call of action is necessary as part of the message.

Time is important

Time is of essence in any SMS campaign. They make or break a marketing campaign. If you are aware of a customer’s behaviour things become easy. It is better to avoid sending messages to customers on Monday. At the same time you do not want messages to be sent in the wee hours of the morning.

Time is dependent upon the industry where you are looking to run a marketing campaign. The frequency of messages is also important. You should not send out messages every day. To arrive at the right frequency it is important that you experiment


One of the greatest advantages of SMS campaign is that you experiment. You can figure out what type of messages appeal to a particular segment. In addition you can figure out the frequency of when to send out messages. As part of the starting phase of a marketing campaign craft messages for each customer base. Send them out during different times of the day and analyse the results.

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