A Dental mishap can strike anywhere; Playing a football match, eating dinner, walking on a slippery road. But wait! Do you need to rush to the Dentists immediately? What exactly qualifies as an emergency? And will I get an Emergency Dentist immediately?
To answer your questions; you will need to rush to the dentists in following scenarios as these qualify as Emergencies
1) Lost/ Broke a Tooth
Of course, this calls for an emergency dentist London. Your tooth even if it has not completely broken even if it is chipped or even slightly broken. In any instances given above you must immediately rush to a dentist. In case of any delays you might completely lose that tooth or you might need to have an invasive surgery.
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Excessive Bleeding
- Swollen mouth
- Headache
- Nausea
Tips to avoid further damage:
- Rinse your mouth
- Use ice or a cold bag to minimize the sharp pain
- Keep something in your mouth like milk or a non-citrus juice to help minimize blood loss.
2) Unexplained Tooth pain
We might sometimes due to teeth sensitivity experience discomfort or sharp pain which is normal. But if the pain prolongs and the idea of anything touching your teeth is unbearable to you, consider immediately going to the dentist. You might have a damaged tooth, broken tooth, injured gums or even exposed nerves. It is not advised bearing the pain and postponing the appointments with the doctors.
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Difficulty in breathing
- Headache
- Nausea
- Bleeding Gums
Tips to avoid further damage:
- Fix an appointment IMMEDIATELY
- Apply something cold and hot alternating as it is said to avoid further swelling
- Avoid eating anything solid
3) Swollen Jaw
There can be reasons aside from teeth and gums that can give you a swollen jaw. Like mouth infection, swollen lymph nodes, any external damage, can also be a tumour. Even if it is painless, it is advised to immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason is external and the injury is internal. Sometimes it is also caused due to any dental treatment itself but there is no point in prolonging fixing an appointment with your dentist.
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Difficulty in opening the mouth
- Fever
- Swollen Neck
- Headache
Tips to avoid further damage:
- Apply Ice Bag over the jaw
- In case of external injury avoid taking any pills to reduce pain
Now in this CoronaVirus Outbreak we might avoid going to the dentists as teeth problems may seem less important. But enduring the pain makes absolutely no sense and it can cause serious damage to your nerve endings of the teeth, which may incur additional and unnecessary expenses. And there are Emergency dentists available in London so make sure you fix an appointment.