
Is Lubricant Supplier Selection A Strategic Decision?

Is Lubricant Supplier Selection A Strategic Decision?

Major manufacturing and processing companies are required oil and other lubricants so that they can run their business smoothly. Oil is an essential component in any machinery as it helps in lowering friction and making the engine to run smoothly. Other lubricants are used for the same purpose, which means that you should get a company that supplies both products. Most of the businesses have strategic policies that they have implemented and which govern how they select their suppliers.

Noteworthy, there are multiple companies around the world and within the United States that supply oil and other lubricants. You might decide to get your oil supplied by some of the major companies around such as Congo Oil and Lubricant Supplier, BP Shell, and Total among others. These are international companies that are located in different parts of the world. Other companies might source their supplies from local companies. Regardless of where a company gets oil and lubricant supplies, there are some factors that the company uses to decide its suppliers.


The physical location of your oil and lubricant supplier might not seem like an important aspect, but it will prove to be an essential aspect in the long term. You do not want your supplier to be located thousands of miles from you. You want a company that can be contacted and deliver orders within the same day. However, considering physical location is sometimes dangerous as it means that you will not be getting the chance to evaluate many companies, some of which are recorded thousands of miles away from your manufacturing plant. Moreover, if your supplier is located kilometres away, there’s a probability that shipping costs will be very high.


Businesses are always looking for various products and services. However, supplying companies deal with multiple customers, which means that you might on the line for several minutes to the point that your machinery stops running. To avoid this problem, you need to select a company that is very responsive. Some companies assign a particular individual to deal with orders originating from significant customers. You want a company that treats you as a major and important customer so that you can have someone waiting on the other side to help you.

Product Quality

Your supplier should be committed to product quality without any chances of compromising the usefulness of the products under consideration. You should conduct an impromptu visit to oil and lubricant supplying companies so that you can evaluate their manufacturing and packaging strategies. You can as well ask for referrals from other companies and understand where you will be getting quality lubricants. Checking for quality is an important aspect as oil, and other lubricants are known to have many impurities, which lower their effectiveness.

Supplier competitiveness

Selecting suppliers is a strategic decision which means that suppliers are also competing in their sector. Therefore, you need to choose a company that operates at the echelon of oil and lubricant supplies. A competitive company offers some advantages that you would not get from a small organization that is trying to establish itself in the industry. You need to go for a company that knows the industry so that you can be able to understand when new products are brought into the market.

Product Pricing

Product pricing is an essential factor for any manufacturing and production company. You don’t want to buy expensive oil and lubricants, which could have significant impacts on the finances of your company. You want to buy your products at competitive prices. Moreover, you should choose a company that offers multiple discounts regularly, which will ultimately lower the amount of money that you will need to pay.

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